Drone Mural Shoot

Shooting drone shots for a Mural in Montpelier

Shooting drone shots for a Mural in Montpelier.

I took some drone shots for a mural painted by my brother in Montpelier. The landlord wanted the photographs for his real estate imagery - he'd just built the houses that the mural is painted on.

[Update] I decided to make a Gaussian Splatting Demo here and used one of these videos to test out how it performs. Gaussian splatting is a bit like spreading paint on a canvas, where each point adds a soft, bell-shaped blob, creating a smooth and blended representation of the underlying video. This example took 5 hours to render from a 20 second video. Gaussian splatting is a satisfyingly simple win for the traditional image rendering techniques against the influx of Neural Network techniques e.g. NeRFs.